Work-Package 1
WP1: Project Management
Work-Package 2
WP2: Characterization of Stochastic Time Evolution of ICXT in MCFs
Task 2.1 ICXT Formulation and Scenarios specification
Task 2.2 ST1.2Development of a simulator testbed
Work-Package 3
WP3: Advanced Mitigation Techniques for ICXT Mitigation in DCN
Task 3.1 Specification and development of advanced DSP techniques to mitigate the impact of the ICXT
Task 3.2 Preliminary evaluation of the performance of the proposed DSP techniques
Work-Package 4
WP4: Implementation and Experimental Validation
Task 4.1 Experimental validation using offline processing
Task 4.2 Construction of a real-time testbed showing the DSP-based DCN functionalities
Work-Package 5
WP5: Dissemination and exploitation of project outcomes